rather than eager evaluation. Otherwise, the entire list would need to be calculated and the program would never terminate.
Because Haskell makes it easy to define lists and is lazy, the code for defining an infinite series is very simple. The following list represents the fibonacci sequence.
fibs = 1 : 1 : zipWith (+) fibs (tail fibs)
The list is defined recursively; the first two values are one, and every subsequent value is the sum of zipping the entire list with the tail of the list, evaluating to the sum of the two previous number for any position beyond the second. Pulling numbers off the list is as easy as the following.
> take 10 fibs
I was originally exposed to this concept while reading the book Programming Languages: Application and Interpretation which provides a more thorough introduction to the topic of lazy evaluation.
Ruby 2 introduced lazy evaluation to its Enumarable
module, accessible via #lazy
. The method returns a new instance of a lazy enumerator .
We can use these additions to create the same sort of infinite lists that are possible in Haskell. First, we start by generating a simple infinite series, upon which we can build further abstractions.
> inf = (1..Float::INFINITY).lazy
=> #<Enumerator::Lazy: 1..Infinity>
Now we have an enumerator, upon which we can build additional abstractions. In fact, you can represent any countable set using abstractions on this enumerator.
Unfortunately, Enumerator::Lazy#zip
is limited, such that it is not possible to pass it a block without eager evaluation being triggered. This is easy, albeit inelegant, to circumvent by #map
ing subsequent to a #zip
call. For instance, to get the sum of all adjacent numbers, the following never completes.
> adjacents = inf.zip(inf.drop(1)) { |a, b| a + b }
But by simply interposing a #map
, it becomes possible.
> adjacents = inf.zip(inf.drop(1)).map { |a, b| a + b }
=> #<Enumerator::Lazy: #<Enumerator::Lazy: #<Enumerator::Lazy: 1..Infinity>:zip(#<Enumerator::Lazy: #<Enumerator::Lazy: 1..Infinity>:drop(1)>)>:map>
> adjacents.take(10).force
=> [3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21]
Note that it is necessary to force the evaluation, otherwise Ruby continues to return lazy enumerators to allow chaining.
We now have all the pieces we need to replicate the Haskell example. Ruby allows us to define a new infinite enumerator based on the original one, but lacks expressiveness for a few of the features Haskell as. As such, we need to map the infinite series onto another one using a block, which is analogous to defining a new infinite series, but does not read as cleanly.
Regardless of how well it reads, functionally, the following example accomplishes the same as the Haskell version.
> fibs = inf.map do |n|
if n < 3
fibs.zip(fibs.drop(1)).map { |a, b| a + b }.first(n - 2).last
=> #<Enumerator::Lazy: #<Enumerator::Lazy: 1..Infinity>:map>
> fibs.take(10).force
=> [1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55]
This implementation is, unsurprisingly, painfully slow since it needs to reevaluate every single preceeding term in order to calculate a given term. This is a canonical issue with the naive recursive definition of fibonacci number calculations.
My original exposure to the following approach manipulates the fibonacci function by using a fixed point and a general memoization strategy based on the y combinator. For this particular example, a simple caching strategy will do, but it is worth knowing about the more general solution.
> fibs = -> {
cache = []
inf.map do |n|
if cache[n]
elsif n < 3
cache[n] = fibs.zip(fibs.drop(1)).
map { |a, b| a + b }.
first(n - 2).
This allows us to calculate much higher values of the fibonacci sequence in a reasonable amount of time. Retrieving the 200th number happens instantly.
> fibs.take(200).force.last
=> 280571172992510140037611932413038677189525
Of course, this is not particularly idiomatic Ruby, since it uses a closure to bind the cache variable. It would be possible to rewrite this as a class (and I had, admittedly, originally done so), but the resulting code is over twice as long and amounts to a great deal of boilerplate and little else.
The way I see it, as long as we are abusing Ruby for its lazy evaluation, we may as well abuse it functionally as well.
05 Apr 2014